About OWASP New Zealand
The OWASP New Zealand Chapter has been active since 2007. In addition to supporting and participating in the annual OWASP New Zealand Day conference, we organise local Meetups and training events throughout the year.
The chapter leaders are Kim Carter (Christchurch), Kirk Jackson (Wellington), and John DiLeo (Auckland).
OWASP New Zealand Meetups
Auckland Meetups are held at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesdays of March, May, July, September, and November.
For information on upcoming events in Auckland, visit the Auckland Meetup’s page.
Wellington Meetups are usually held during the second weeks of March, May, July, September, and November.
For information on upcoming events in Wellington, visit the Wellington Meetup’s page.
Christchurch Meetups are usually held quarterly.
For information on upcoming events in Christchurch, visit the Christchurch Meetup’s page.