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2025 OWASP New Zealand Day

The 2025 OWASP New Zealand Day conference will be held in Auckland on Thursday and Friday, 4-5 September 2025. This event is unique among New Zealand security conferences, in that it’s entirely dedicated to application security. AppSec New Zealand Incorporated is, once again, managing the logistics and finances for the event, with the event’s traditional “OWASP New Zealand Day” branding used under license from the OWASP Foundation.

We’re thrilled that we are able to return to the University of Auckland campus, and the Sir Owen G. Glenn Building (OGGB), this year.

We strive to keep the costs for delegates low, and provide financial support for students, unwaged, and members of under-represented groups. Thanks to the continuing generosity of our Premier Sponsors, we have been able to consistently deliver an instructive, high-quality event for the New Zealand community. AppSec New Zealand is strictly not for profit and is a registered New Zealand charity (Charity Number CC59162). Sponsorship funds are used to make the OWASP New Zealand Day conference a compelling and valuable experience for all participants.

Sponsorship funds collected are used for things such as:

Due to continuing increases in service fees and catering charges, the overall budget for this year’s conference is approximately 10% larger than for last year’s event. As in recent years, the rates for our Premier Sponsorship packages have been increased slightly to help defray these increased costs.


The 2020 OWASP New Zealand Day was supported by 13 premier sponsors and attracted more than 800 delegates. For more information on previous OWASP New Zealand Day events, please visit the OWASP New Zealand Chapter’s website.

Attendance for the first AppSec New Zealand Conference, in February 2021, was a bit lower, with approximately 650 delegates attending in person. 2021 also marked our first experience with live-streaming the event, with approximately 300 live-stream registrations. Considering it was our first event under the new name, our first attempt at hosting a two-day conference - and the event ended just 30 hours before Auckland’s first “snap lockdown” - we consider the event a great success. Those constraints notwithstanding, the AppSec New Zealand Conference was supported by 15 Premier Sponsors, which allowed us to provide travel and training assistance to 33 delegates.

In 2022, we returned to the OWASP New Zealand Day brand. We were able to hold a hybrid conference in July, after many COVID-related restrictions had been relaxed; despite this, in-person attendance (450) was lower than hoped, while we enjoyed a strong online participation through our live-stream offering. The event was supported by 17 sponsors, and our first-ever sponsored LEGO Build was popular with conference attendees.

The OWASP New Zealand Day events in 2023 and 2024 were also strong successes, with 693 and 818 registrations, respectively. This year, we anticipate registrations for the conference will once again increase, particularly with our return to the larger spaces provided by the OGGB.

The activities of AppSec New Zealand, including this conference, are organised to align with and support the educational objectives of the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) Foundation and its local chapter, OWASP New Zealand (owasp.org.nz). The OWASP New Zealand community is strong, with more than 500 people currently subscribed to the mailing list (sign up).

Those who regularly attend AppSec conferences include IT project managers, IT security managers, IT security consultants, software architects and developers, QA managers, QA testers and system administrators. In addition, approximately one third of conference attendees are current students in Computer Science, Information Systems, or Cyber Security programmes.

Throughout its 12 years of operation under the local OWASP chapter, the OWASP New Zealand Day conference attracted more than 90% of its delegates and presenters from within New Zealand.

About AppSec New Zealand

The conference is organised and conducted by AppSec New Zealand, an all-volunteer, NZ-based Incorporated Society (Registration #50041020, Charity Number CC59162). The primary purposes of AppSec New Zealand are to:

How to Become a Sponsor

To express interest in supporting the conference as a sponsor, please contact us by email.

Premium Sponsorship Packages

Highlights of Changes for 2025

For 2025, we’ve made NO changes to our Premier Sponsorship packages, from last year - including NO increase in sponsorship fees!

Some key changes we made in recent years will continue in 2025:

Booking Your Sponsorship

To ensure your place as a Premier Sponsor, you’ll want to get in touch with us and complete your Sponsorship Agreement as soon as possible.

For Sponsorship Agreements completed prior to 1st April, invoices will be issued in April. For Agreements completed from 1st April, invoices will be issued upon completing the Agreement. Our payment terms are normally 30 days, but we can accommodate other payment terms by negotiation.

A sponsor’s payment must be received before the event begins (i.e., on or before 1st September) to participate in the event, so invoices issued from 3rd August will have shorter payment deadlines.

Discount for OWASP Corporate Members

Conference sponsors who are verified as current Corporate Members of OWASP will receive a 10% discount on sponsorship fees. If you qualify for this discount, let us know and we’ll confirm your membership status with the OWASP Foundation staff and apply the discount to your fees.

LEGO Build and Video Sponsorship

In addition to the tiered sponsorship packages detailed below, we’re continuing this exciting a la carte opportunity: A LEGO Build Sponsorship! Beginning with the 2022 conference, we’ve added a Delegate Lounge, adjacent to the Sponsor Exhibition Area. In the Delegate Lounge, conference participants will be able to take part in group builds of several LEGO sets throughout the conference.

The conference A/V team will capture time-sequenced photos of the build area, and will present a first-cut version of the stop-motion video during the closing session on Friday afternoon. The LEGO Build sponsor will be recognised at the beginning and end of the video, to be published on the “OWASP NZ Day” YouTube channel and promoted through social media.

In addition, all LEGO sets will be awarded to conference delegates during the prize giving at our closing session. The LEGO Build sponsor will be invited to the stage to draw the names of all LEGO prize winners. All LEGO sets completed during the conference will be included as part of the top LEGO prize; each incomplete/unopened set will be awarded as a separate prize.

The fee for this one-of-a-kind a la carte sponsorship is $5,500, to cover the costs of purchasing the LEGO sets and producing the video. Other associated sponsor benefits are similar to those of a Silver sponsorship.

À La Carte Sponsorships

If you’re interested in an à la carte sponsorship opportunity - such as sponsoring a coffee kiosk, one or more tea breaks, or a day’s lunch service - please reach out to the team. Such sponsorships can be arranged either in combination with a Premier Sponsor package, or on their own. Sponsorship fees will be determined, based on the cost of the sponsored activities and the level of support offered.

As an example, fully supporting our coffee kiosk for one day of the Main Conference would cost approximately NZ $2,500.

When combined with a Premier Sponsor package, you will receive a 5% discount on the combined fees. The OWASP Corporate Member discount does not apply to à la carte sponsorships (but does apply to the Premier Sponsor portion of a combined sponsorship). For example, a Platinum Sponsor package, when combined with a one-day Coffee Kiosk sponsorship, would be NZ $9,975, or NZ $9,215 for an OWASP Corporate Member.

Premier Sponsor Fees and Benefits

All amounts listed are in New Zealand dollars (NZD), and are exclusive of GST.

  Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze LEGO Build
Rate $12,800 $8,000 $6,000 $3,800 $2,500 $5,500
Exhibition Space Fee Incl. Incl. $500 $350 $350 $350
Exhibition Spaces 1 3 9 6 6 1
LEGO Build Upgrade (see notes) $8,000 $3,500 $2,000 N/A N/A
Banner in Conference Lobby (see notes) Yes Yes No No No No
Banner at Side of Stage (see notes) Yes (3) Yes (2) Yes (1) No No No
Banner at Pre-Conference Reception (see notes) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Banner in Delegate Lounge (see notes) No No No No No Yes (2)
Priority Demo Room Access Yes Yes Yes No No No
Company Description on Conference Web Page 400 words 300 words 200 words 150 words 100 words 150 words
Company Spotlight Description on Web Page (see notes) 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words
Pre-Conference Reception Tickets 12 8 6 4 2 4
Exhibitor Passes (see notes) 10 6 4 2 2 2
Free Conference Passes (see notes) 25 15 10 5 5 5
Training Credits (see notes) 16 12 8 4 2 No
Logo on Delegate Badges Yes Yes Yes No No No
Logo on Conference T-Shirts Yes Yes Yes No No No
Logo on Room Signs Yes Yes Yes No No No
Logo on Conference Website Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pre-Conference Publicity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition during Sessions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

A total of six (6) exhibition spaces are available for Silver, Bronze, and (non-upgraded) LEGO Build sponsors.

Exhibition Space

In 2020, the OWASP New Zealand Day team introduced the Sponsor Exhibition Area, with space provided as part of each sponsorship package. Some sponsors, however, didn’t wish to make use of the space provided. Exhibition space is once again an optional add-on for some sponsorship levels, so those sponsors can decide whether to have a booth.

  Diamond Platinum Gold Silver
LEGO Build
Booth Size 25m2 18m2 9m2 4.5m2
Seating 4 tables
8 chairs
3 tables
6 chairs
2 tables
4 chairs
1 table
2 chairs
Plug Boards 2 1 1 1
Rate Incl. Incl. $500 $350

Unless otherwise requested, each exhibition space will be provided power strips (two (2) each in Diamond and Platinum spaces, one (1) each in others), and all tables will be fully draped. Booths will be configured by the venue team on Wednesday morning, and will be available for sponsor staff to set up after noon on Wednesday (3 September). If desired, sponsors are welcome to staff their booths on Wednesday afternoon, through the close of pre-conference training (5:30 p.m.).

Optional Video Displays:

55” Flat-Panel Displays: The venue’s A/V support team can provide 55” HDMI-compatible displays on stands, for use in sponsor exhibition spaces. The cost is $550 each, which includes use of the display during the main conference (Thursday and Friday), delivery/pick-up, and on-site setup. Diamond and Platinum sponsor exhibition spaces can accommodate up to two (2) displays, and Gold/Silver/Bronze Sponsor spaces can accommodate one (1).

Video Wall: There is a permanently installed projection screen and projector, located above a corner Gold Sponsor booth space. The option is available (on a first-in, first-served basis) for one sponsor to reserve the video wall and display content throughout the main conference (Thursday and Friday). The cost for this option is $600.


Training Credits:

Our Pre-Conference Training is planned to include a mix of half-day, one-day, and two-day classes. Each Premier Sponsor package includes a number of “Training Credits,” and each credit is valid for one half-day of training for one person.

Free Conference Passes:

From 2022, we introduced a registration fee for most delegates, while keeping the event FREE for students and unwaged delegates. For registered delegates, conference t-shirts will again be an optional purchase, at $18 each ($14 for students/unwaged).

Each sponsorship package includes a number of free conference passes (see table above). Each sponsor-supported delegate will also receive free conference t-shirt. Sponsors will be provided a set of single-use Access Codes, each good for one (1) Sponsor Delegate Pass ticket at no charge. You are free to use or distribute these Access Codes as you wish, provided they are not resold.

Exhibitor Passes:

Each sponsor requesting an exhibition space (“booth”), including all Diamond and Platinum sponsors, will receive a number of passes (see table above) for team members who attend the conference to staff their booth. Each Exhibitor Pass includes free registration for the conference, a conference t-shirt, and lunch vouchers for Thursday and Friday.

Sponsors will be provided a set of single-use Access Codes, each of which will provide access to ‘purchase’ one (1) Exhibitor Pass conference registration, at no charge.

LEGO Build Upgrade:

If a sponsor wishes to participate as a Diamond, Platinum, or Gold Sponsor, and also sponsor the LEGO Build, the listed “LEGO Build Upgrade” fee will be charged, in addition to the base $5,500 LEGO Build Sponsorship fee.

The majority of benefits received will be those listed for the Premier Sponsorship tier. In addition, the sponsor may place up to two (2) company banners in the LEGO Build Area in the Delegate Lounge, will be recognised as both a Premier Sponsor and the LEGO Build Sponsor, and will be featured in the LEGO Build video as described for the LEGO Build Sponsorship.

Sponsor Logos:

Sponsor Banners:

Company Spotlight

All amounts listed are in New Zealand dollars (NZD), and are exclusive of GST.