Conference Code of Conduct
OWASP New Zealand Day 2022
We want to make the OWASP New Zealand Day conference a welcoming environment for all attendees. To that end, we would like to remind you that all activities associated with this event are subject to AppSec New Zealand’s Conference Policies. At their core, these policies are intended to promote and maintain an inclusive, welcoming environment for all participants - actions detrimental to that environment are unwelcome.
Speakers, trainers and sponsors have all been reminded of these policies, and are expected to abide by them like all attendees.
You can report any issues through our Code of Conduct Reporting Form
If you are comfortable doing so, you can also seek help by approaching volunteers wearing distinctive blue t-shirts, particularly John, Austin, Anneke, and Will, who make up our Code of Conduct Team and will be introduced at the start of the conference.
In an emergency, please contact the New Zealand Police on 111 or AUT Security on 09 921 9997.